Day 16 – A Nice Day in San Ramon Costa Rica
Today we got up late (around 7:30am I think) and had a slow relaxed morning fixing breakfast, drinking coffee, then walked up to our house. "Our house"!!
The walls are almost all up and they were half way done with the roof structure (bars to mount the roof on) when we got up there. Pretty cool!
Hopefully it will be a good livable little house! Being my first experience with house building I am just hoping while I put my faith in the "maestro de obra" who is in charge. He is not on site all the time, just as much as he needs to be while the crew of 5 or so other guys does the heavy lifting - literally and figuratively.
We hung out about an hour up there then Ron came by to look at our house and we talked with him for awhile, then he gave us a ride back to our rented house (his).
We hung out here most of the day but went back up to the farm in the afternoon but the workers had gone already. We hung out there and I took more photos and videos. The view was amazing this afternoon!
We discussed things about the house and we walked around the finca.
Came back and I hung out on the back porch for awhile (where I've found it's quieter). Then after awhile I came inside and caught up on some correspondence.
Not as much to write about these days! That's GOOD! ;-D
Just had a really relaxing and nice day hanging out!